Members of the Patron Circle are at the very center of the philanthropy that supports the JSMA.
As the heart of the philanthropic support for the JSMA, the Patron Circle brings together friends and colleagues who share a commitment to having a lively and world-class art museum in Eugene. Through a diverse schedule of private events, Patron Circle donors are able to deepen their own knowledge of the arts and become more engaged with others who share their interests.

The Executive Director and Leadership Council of the JSMA invite you to join the Patron Circle with an annual gift of $1,500 or more.
The JSMA’s founder, Gertrude Bass Warner, believed that art was a unique form of human expression that transcended boundaries and fostered cultural understanding. Today, the JSMA offers a welcoming destination for discovery and education and relies on generous annual donors to ensure that our vibrant and diverse community continues to benefit from all that a museum can provide.
All Patron members enjoy basic membership benefits, including:
- Unlimited free admission for 1 year
- 2 personalized membership cards
- Discounts on workshops and classes
- JSMA Member Newsletter (published bi-annually)
- 10% discount at The Museum Store
Patron Circle Annual Benefits
$1,500 - $2,999
- 2 personalized membership cards
- 8 guest passes
- Reciprocal admission to 1200+ museums in the North American Reciprocal Museums Program
- Invitation to "Behind the Scenes" annual event
- Private Curator-led tour
- Priority access to travel opportunities
- Private VIP opening receptions
- Annual report recognition
- One-time annual discount on rental spaces

Sustainer Circle Annual Benefits
$3,000 - $4, 999
- All Patron Circle Annual Benefits
- 1 complimentary exhibition catalogue
- Unlimited guest passes
- Reserved parking in museum lot (when available)

Curator's Circle Annual Benefits
$5, 000 - $9,999
- All Patron Circle & Sustainer Circle Annual Benefits
- 1 complimentary Family membership
- Complimentary exhibition catalogues
- Private viewings with Executive Director or Curator
- Invitation to post-event dinner with artists and/or curators

Director's Circle Annual Benefits
$5, 000 - $9,999
- All Patron Circle Annual Benefits
- All Sustainer & Curator's Circle Annual Benefits
- Invitation to private dinner with Executive Director
If you are ready to join the Patron Circle or have questions, please contact our Development Program Manager.