Salvador Dalí illustrator, printmaker, storyteller
Salvador Dalí (Spanish, 1904-89) remains a fabled central figure of the Surrealist movement, which blossomed in Paris in the early 1930s as a collaborative vision amongst painters, poets, and intent on exploring untraveled realms of dreams, the unconscious, and serendipitous possibility. Mythologized as a painter of surreal landscapes filled with melting clock, fantastical creatures, and eccentric visions of the human body, Dalí was also a prolific draftsman, printmaker, and illustrator. The Catalan artist contributed watercolors, lithographs, woodcuts, and etchings to celebrated texts; and created his own print series with such diverse themes as ancient mythology, the circus, botany, cooking, cultural satire, and religious histories. 2019-21 curatorial extern Emily Shinn curated this selection of works from Dalí’s series The Divine Comedy (1963) and The Twelve Tribes of Israel (1972-73).