
Sarah Glidden - The Art of the News: Comics Journalism

Illustration by Audra McNamee

Sarah Glidden studied painting at Boston University and began working on comics in 2006, while living at the Flux Factory artist collective in Queens, New York. Glidden was also a member of the Pizza Island studio, which brought together cartoonists Julia Wertz, Meredith Gran, Lisa Hanawalt, and others. Her first graphic novel, How to Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less, published in 2010, resulted from her Birthright Israel tour in 2007. She won the 2008 Ignatz Award for Promising New Talent, for the several mini-comics she published documenting her experiences on the tour. Since then Glidden has gone on to publish several works of comics journalism, including short features for Symbolia and The Nib, as well as the graphic novel Rolling Blackouts (2016), documenting her journalistic work interviewing refugees in Turkey, Syria and Iraq. Rolling Blackouts won the 2017 Lynd Ward Prize for Graphic Novel of the Year sponsored by Penn State University Libraries. She is currently at work on a longform piece about environmental change and devastation. 

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