
Ben Passmore - The Art of the News: Comics Journalism

Illustration by Audra McNamee

Ben Passmore is the author of the ongoing comic book series Daygloayhole, as well as the Eisner Award-nominated and Ignatz Award-winning comic collection Your Black Friend: and Other Strangers. He also wrote and illustrated Sports Is Hell (Koyama Press), and collaborated with Ezra Claytan Daniels on BTTM FDRS (Fantagraphics). His forthcoming book, These Black Arms to Hold You Up, is a graphic history of six black activists and their armed resistance against racism and the police state. Passmore contributes graphic reportage and political comics to publications such as The Nib and The New York Times. He lives in Philadelphia.

Additional Resources:
Fighting for a Better History by Ben Passmore
Whose Free Speech? Black Lives Matter, ACLU and Respectability Politics by Ben Passmore
Letter From a Stone Mountain Jail by Ben Passmore